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Our History

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Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD) was founded more than 30 years ago to meet the water needs of the Denton County area.

In 1986, a number of local Denton County cities and utilities began to meet with the City of Dallas to discuss future water supplies. The founders recognized the need for regional collaboration on water, wastewater and solid waste services. Local leaders believed a new, independent district with fresh ideas could provide services needed by a growing region. Support from their cities was unanimous, and approximately 30 cities and utilities initiated a regional plan to create an independent water district. The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) awarded a grant to help develop the plan, and the legislature passed it in 1989. On June 6, 1989, the governor signed the bill, and UTRWD was born.

Unlike legislation creating some other districts, the bill founding UTRWD did not name the District’s member cities. Instead, the legislation provided for a two-year sign-up period and specified that public entities could join as “Participating Members” or “Contract Members” for up to 10 years. Since that time, 25 entities have executed contracts to become a part of the District, including 21 cities and towns, one utility authority and three special districts. In 1995, an amendment was approved by the Legislature to enable the City of Irving to become a member.

The District is governed by a board of directors appointed by its members and is considered a model regional agency. District members set its policies and programs through their direct representation on the Board, ensuring that District services fit local needs and requests. UTRWD serves both its member entities as well as other utility and municipal customers.

Over the past decades, we have gained additional services and programs as well as member cities. In 1999, the District started wastewater services; and, on May 3, 2001, the governor signed SB 835 to include watershed protection as a District activity.

Key historical milestones include: