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Open Records Requests

Home 9 Resources 9 Open Records Requests

What you need to know about requesting public information

The Texas Public Information Act (the “Act”) gives the public the right to request access to government information. The request must ask for records or information already in existence. The Act does not require Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD) to create new information, do legal research nor answer questions. UTRWD has 10 business days to respond to the request (day one is the first business day following receipt of the request).

More information on the Act can be found at the Office of the Attorney General of Texas.

How to Request Information

You may complete an open records request form or submit any other written documentation that provides your name and address, your telephone number and a clear description of the requested documents or items. UTRWD follows the recommendation of the Texas Attorney General regarding the cost for providing the requested information.

Public information requests may be submitted by one of the following ways:

  1. Personal appearance at UTRWD’s Headquarters, 900 N. Kealy Ave Lewisville, TX 75057 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
  2. Mail – Requests must be addressed to “Public Information Officer” and mailed to P.O Box 305 Lewisville, TX 75067.
  3. Email – Send requests to (Requests not emailed to this address will be considered an invalid request).

Please Note: UTRWD reserves the right to withhold any requested information that is exempt from public disclosure under the Act or any other applicable law. If UTRWD seeks a disclosure exception from the Texas Attorney General, the person requesting information will be notified.

For additional information, please call 972-219-1228 and ask for the Public Information Officer.