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Educational Classes

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Educational Classes

Education and outreach is a key component of Upper Trinity’s Water Conservation and Watershed Protection programs. Upper Trinity provides educational resources in a variety of formats, such as virtual and in-person classes (Water Talks) and how-to videos.

Join us during these events to increase your knowledge of irrigation, landscaping and watershed protection to help save water, money, and protect water quality. Below is a listing of past and upcoming educational opportunities that residents are encouraged to take part in.

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Upcoming Events

Water Talk: Building Healthy Soil with Compost and Amendments

April 9, 2025, at 12 pm on Microsoft Teams

Soil is the foundation of any natural area and any type of gardens. With healthy soil, compost and proper amendments, you can not only benefit your lawns & gardens, but also your lifestyle as you promote efficient water use and your local native ecoregion.


Healthy Lawns, Healthy Waters

April 14, 2025, from 1 – 5 pm, UTRWD Event Center, 802 N Kealy, Lewisville

HLHW workshop participants learn

  • how to design and install residential rainwater capture devices that support rainwater storage and landscape irrigation
  • the importance of choosing climate- and soil-appropriate turf and landscaping species for local growing conditions
  • the key importance of soil testing and how to determine nutrient application amounts
  • how to improve irrigation water use efficiency through better understanding of evapotranspiration, smart meters, deficit irrigation and cycle-soak methods for reducing runoff
  • water delivery equipment and measuring water distribution


Water Talk: Sprinkler Quick Fixes

May 7, 2025 at 12 pm, Microsoft Teams

Often we think that we can’t imagine doing a repair or two on our own. Quintarus Thomas, Irrigation Specialist with Upper Trinity, will discuss how to evaluate your sprinklers to identify broken or improperly working parts. He will also describe a few easy, quick fixes that homeowners can make to their sprinklers that will improve watering coverage and efficiency and save homeowners water and money!


Water Conservation in the Landscape

May 17, 2025, from 2 – 4 pm, Flower Mound Public Library, 3030 Broadmoor Lane, Flower Mound 75028

We’ll dive into waterwise landscaping techniques to help you choose the right plants and design for efficiency. Learn the secrets of rainwater harvesting and how to make the most of nature’s free resource. Plus, we’ll walk you through the simple steps to set up your own rain barrel, so you can start collecting and using rainwater at home. Whether you’re a gardening pro or just getting started, this session will leave you inspired and equipped to make your landscape both eco-friendly and resilient. Hosted by the Town of Flower Mound, Denton County Master Gardeners, Beulah Acres and UTRWD.

Registration opens April 5th and is recommended.


Past Events

Smart Irrigation

Water Talk: How to Check Your Sprinklers and Easy DIY Repairs

Water Talk: How to Thrive During Watering Restrictions

Water Talk: Smart Irrigation Technology

Water Talk: Drip Irrigation

Water Talk: Program Your Controller to Save Water

Lawn Care

March 1, 2023 – Water Talk: Lawn Care Basics (Dr. Becky Bowling, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension)

This program focuses on managing landscapes with the big picture in mind. Attendees are encouraged to think about how practices such as watering, fertilization, and pesticide applications can affect water and the environment in their local communities and beyond. Leave empowered to make a difference with your own little piece of Texas.

November 8, 2023 – Water Talk: Winter is Coming – Are Your Sprinklers Ready? (Blake Alldredge, UTRWD)

UTRWD provided tips on how to prepare your sprinklers and home for the winter, including turning off sprinklers until the spring and insulating outdoor faucets and sprinkler components. UTRWD also discussed ways to save water indoors and protect your plumbing during the holidays.

Native Plants

Water Talk: Encouraging Native Plants in HOA Landscapes

Getting Started with Native Plants

Water Talk: Pollinator Gardening from the Ground Up

Soil and Plant Care

Water Talk: Compost, Soil & Mulch

Water Talk: Pruning for Success

Soil Preparation and How to Plant a Plant