Serving a Growing Region
The region we serve is one of the fastest growing in the country. We are actively working to increase our treatment capacity to keep up with demand and make upgrades and adjustments to our infrastructure (pipes, pumps, etc.) to accommodate growth. These projects often take significant amounts of time and planning, so we are committed to starting work on them now. This will ensure we can always meet the needs of our local communities.

Projects Currently Underway
Lakeview Regional Water Reclamation Plant Expansion: Phase 3
Growth in the Lakeview Regional Water Reclamation Plant’s service area is causing wastewater flows to approach the Plant’s treatment capacity. UTRWD is planning to complete the design and begin construction for the expansion of the Lakeview Plant from 5.5 million-gallons-per-day (MGD) to 7.5 MGD.

The Lakeview Regional Water Reclamation Plant will be expanded from 5.5 MGD to 7.5 MGD.
Lakeview Regional Water Reclamation Plant Lift Station Improvements
Based on recommendations from the Lift Station Condition Assessment Study, UTRWD is proceeding with the design and construction of improvements to lift stations in the Lakeview Regional Water Reclamation System.
Doe Branch Water Reclamation Plant: Phase 3 Expansion
UTRWD is continuing design and engineering work for Phase 3 and will begin construction in 2024 to increase treatment capacity from 4 MGD to 8 MGD.
Swisher Road Odor Control Improvements
UTRWD is planning upgrades to help reduce odors from UTRWD’s major wastewater pipe along Swisher Road near Lakeview Regional Water Reclamation Plant. UTRWD is planning to replace and upgrade fittings and appurtenances at various locations along the pipeline. The goal is to provide a better experience for nearby residents and commuters traveling along the roadway.
TxDOT Relocation Project
Roadway expansions continue throughout UTRWD’s service area. Generally, UTRWD infrastructure is located in private easements out of public rights-of-way. However, UTRWD is relocating infrastructure to accommodate TxDOT road expansions along U.S. Hwy 380.

Interested in Working with Us?
We collaborate with many local contractors on projects to provide our region with high quality water. Check out our contracting opportunities for Lake Ralph Hall and other current water projects.